Aug 16, 2017
Founder of FemCity, Violette de Ayala and Danielle Woolley shared ways on how to feel better about your image, find joy within yourself and the reasons why it's important to feel good as its connected to all areas of your life.
Topics Covered :
Why it's important to find the beauty within your form
3 tips to get more...
Aug 9, 2017
Founder of FemCity, Violette de Ayala and Candice Thomas Intuitive Advisor shared how to get unstuck with components of life and start to move past into a state of abundance.
Topics Covered :
What is "Being Stuck" in life
3 Tips on how to move past this block
Examples of getting unstuck
Aug 2, 2017
Founder of FemCity, Violette de Ayala and Global FEM Stevii Aisha Mills shared how and why you need to focus on PR to help your business and brand grow.
Topics Covered :
3 key components when drafting a Press Release
How to use an event to gather Press
How to create relationships with Media.
Tips on how to get...