Feb 13, 2018
Founder of FemCity, Violette de Ayala and FemCity President Cheyenne Palma Dominguez shared their favorite marketing platforms and how they use them to grow business
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To reach out to Cheyenne Palma Dominguez, follow her at @cheyennepalma
To reach out to Violette de Ayala, follow her at @violettedeayala
Violette is the Founder of FemCity // an online global network featuring business and lifestyle trends with over 70 local communities designed exclusively for women. Violette is also a business coach, motivational speaker, small business consultant, writer and mother of three. As a serial entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience, Violette is passionate about supporting women entrepreneurs through business growth, big vision strategies and positivity along the way. She's been seen in CNBC, Success, Entrepreneur, People and InStyle Publications. Follow Violette de Ayala // @violettedeayala