Sep 26, 2018
Founder + CEO of FemCity, Violette de Ayala and FemCity Global Member Lisa Sansom led a live class on “Positive Psychology 101.”
Lisa shared with us through how positive psychology helps businesses grow, how you can get started today with 3 actionable steps on positive psychology. She also shared extra tips...
Sep 19, 2018
Founder + CEO of FemCity, Violette de Ayala and FemCity Global Member Mindy Lipsky led a live class on “How to Increase Sales.”
Mindy guided us through why it's important to always be seeking to increase sales and how to get started. She shared three ways on how to start to increase sales, with actionable steps...
Sep 6, 2018
President of FemCity, Cheyenne Dominguez and FemCity Global Member Lisa Sansom led a live class on “What is Your Strength.” Lisa guided us through how our true character strengths benefit our brand and increase our value proposition. They also raise our business performance, allow us to get more done, feel naturally...
Sep 6, 2018
President of FemCity, Cheyenne Dominguez and FemCity Global Member Melissa Blettner led a live class on "Goal Getting Mastery.” Melissa begins by explaining the difference between goal-setting and goal-getting. During our time together Melissa shared tips on how to dream big (as if nothing is impossible), how to get...
Sep 6, 2018
Founder + CEO of FemCity, Violette de Ayala led a live class on "What's Holding You Back. Violette shared tips on how to get your start to find clarity in what is holding you back, how to eliminate this from your current scenarios, and how to move past emotional obstacles that are currently holding you...